Saturday, August 7, 2010

Emotional Fool Or Full of Emotions

Girls are always commented to be emotional fools but are they?

Before coming to any conclusion we must first try to understand what emotions are? If I try to define the term emotion then my comment box herein will be filled with co

mments like “why are you being so emotional?” and similar comments. But I guess someone sometime have to draw a line between being an emotional fool and full of emotions. So, here

I am to prove my side of the story.

I know girls react very openly to a lot of matters and discussions but that doesn’t mean they are emotional fools. If a guy reacts then it is said that they are giving statements and of freedom of speech. But then why the same explanation not considered for girls? We too have the freedom of speech. Isn’t it so? Or the rule makers were biased male figures of our society? I know none of this is true and our law makers were geniuses who never have differentiated any right between a girl and a guy. But, as girls disposition has always been tender and attitude brittle we can’t just claim them being emotional fool but I would say they are full of emotions.

If this is not enough then can I have the liberty of saying that guys lack emotions as they never ever try to understand a girl’s sentiments and always are on a spree of making fun of them and

their softheartedness. Now, please don’t give me the damn excuse of saying that guys are practical; because I can count ‘n’ number of instances where guys prove of not only being less practical then girls but also have shown more childish attitude than girls. Now what do you have to say?

I know this is a very controversial topic and no guy in this world will agree definitely because of their so-called male-ego; what a joke. Now when we are talking about emotion and male ego, then don’t you think that ego is an emotion? LOL. Guys do have a heightened male-ego that urges them to prove themselves always right, so now I won’t be wrong to dare and call guys as emotional fools. Am I right?

Now I am actually enjoying writing this blog. OMG.

So, guys what do you have to say? Pen in your comments but I know guys will have an upper hand as mostly my blogs are read by my guy friends. But still I enjoyed writing this. ;)


Unknown said...

This world is biased..
And guys dont want to be seen as emotional.. it is not the "IN THING" so to say..
And nothing has changed even when the woman is educated and smart..guys expect to be taken care of.. so now you know who has the upper hand and what happens if this "taken care of" is not addressed
V / Blore

Silence speaks.. said...

keep it up....